About Norbert de Jong
>> interview with Norbert in English
Norbert de Jong (Heerlen, 1965) is autodidactic. He has painted since the 1990’s. His work is expressive and figurative, it is difficult to categorize his style. In his works he uses all types of creatures that communicate with each other. Sometimes the figures appear to be dancing, sometimes fighing, sometimes it is difficult to describe their motions. But a type of activity is certain. In a sense the figures represent a type of dream.
Norbert is an extremely sensitive person whose paintings allow him to express himself. Everyday reality is often at odds with his own experience and his work depicts this unusual world of experience. Through his imagination and thoughts about the world, he tries to interpret the world around him.
A recurring theme is man’s struggle to find his own place in life.
Although this has traditionally been a ‘heavy and serious’ theme, he makes no judgment.
In most paintings he manages to maintain a soothing light-heartedness. Norbert does not work from a pre-conceived concept but intuitively.For Norbert, painting is all about inventing.
His work is constantly evolving and his quest is far from over. The vibrant paintings and drawings confirm this. They make you curious about what comes next.
Norbert de Jong contributed to the book ‘Photography meets Artists 2’, which was devised and compiled by Jo Goertz, photographer. She made photo portraits of various artists, who in turn made a work of art from their photo portrait.
The book can be ordered from jo.goertz.de Since 2015.
Norbert de Jong has regularly exhibited in galleries, also sells and rents art through galleries or museums.